Research on poverty and unemployment isn’t new to us. Here we present our most important publications concerning these issues. If you want to get further insight into our research approach you can do this here. Unfortunately most of the titles are in German. But we are working on some more papers in English language!
From our previous project on ‘worldviews in precarious conditions of life’ resulted a volume. In this book all of today’s staff have published single papers. They cover a wide range of the people we’ve talked to and of the results that we’ve gained from these interviews.
The publisher introduces the volume as follows: “The volume sheds light on the individual perceptions and ways of dealing with life situations of poverty. It analyzes the circumstances receipients of benefits are exposed to since social policies have been reframed.” (BeltzJuventa)
Picked Papers
Besides, we want to point out particularly relevant contributions that refelect the range of our research. As you will see, some of them are in English:
• Kornelia Sammet (2015): Religious Doctrines in Group Discussions on Ideas of Afterlife: What Do You Think Comes after Death? In: Hannah Bacon, Wendy Dossett and Steve Knowles (eds.): Alternative Salvations. Engaging the Sacred and the Secular. London / New York: Bloomsbury. 73–84.
• Giselle Vincett, Sarah Dunlop, Kornelia Sammet und Alexander Yendell (2015): Young People and Religion and Spirituality in Europe: a Complex Picture. In: Johanna Wyn and Helen Cahill (eds.): Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. Singapore: Springer. S. 889-902.
• Kornelia Sammet (2014): Anomie und Fatalismus: Rekonstruktive Analyse der Weltsichten von Arbeitslosengeld-II-Empfängern
• Kornelia Sammet and Franz Erhard (2014): The Observation of the Unobservable: Ideas of Afterlife in a Sociological Perspective. In: Marius Rotar, Adriana Teodorescu and Corina Rotar (eds.): Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe. Volume 2. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing. 338–350.
• Kornelia Sammet and Marliese Weißmann (2012): Femmes précaires et religion en Allemagne de l’Est. Social Compass 59 (1): 102–119.
• Kornelia Sammet andMarliese Weißmann (2012): Autonomiepotentiale, Erwerbsorientierungen und Zukunftsentwürfe von „sozial benachteiligten“ Jugendlichen. In: Jürgen Mansel und Karsten Speck (Hg.): Jugend und Arbeit. Empirische Bestandsaufnahme und Analysen. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. 175–191.
• Kornelia Sammet (2012): Atheism and Secularism: Cultural Heritage in East Germany. In: Francis-Vincent Anthony and Hans-Georg Ziebertz (eds.): Religious Identity and National Heritage. Empirical-Theological Perspectives. Leiden: Brill. 269-288.
• Kornelia Sammet and Marliese Weißmann (2010): Individueller Anspruch versus erzwungene Gemeinschaft: Auswirkungen des Verwaltungshandelns auf Biographie und Lebensführung von ALG-II-Empfängern am Beispiel der „Bedarfsgemeinschaft“. In: BIOS 23: 28–46.
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